011 LOKESHA R Artista invitado India

Lokesha R

La Somana Kunitha es una danza ritual realizada por dos o tres artistas con elaboradas máscaras. Sólo los hombres pueden realizar esta danza y se les llama somas. Básicamente, lo que he visto es que se les encomienda la tarea de custodiar a las deidades de la aldea y rendirles culto.

He crecido con mucho arte folclórico a mi alrededor, con varios festivales anuales en el sur de Karnataka, pero el Soman Kunitha siempre me ha intrigado e inspirado. He visto el festival sagrado desde que era una niña y los hermosos trajes y joyas, las detalladas máscaras que infundían tanto miedo como belleza en la mente siempre me inspiraron.

Como artista, siempre quise ver cómo representar esta hermosa forma de arte en mi estilo y rendir homenaje a una de mis mayores inspiraciones de arte popular que desempeñó un papel tan importante en mi infancia.



Lokesha R

Somana Kunitha is a ritualistic dance performed by two or three artists with elaborate masks. Only men are permitted to perform this dance and they are called somas. Basically what I have seen is that they are entrusted with the tasks of guarding the village deities and worshipping them.

I grew up with a lot of folk art around me, with several annual festivals in South Karnataka, but Soman Kunitha has always intrigued and inspired me. I’ve been watching the holy festival since I was a child and the beautiful costumes and jewelry, the detailed masks which instilled both fear and beauty in the mind always inspired me.

As an artist, I always wanted to see how to represent this beautiful art form in my style and pay homage to one of my greatest folk art inspiration which played such a huge role in my childhood.