038  JUDITH MARY OFFORD (Italia)                                                          



Hello , I am Judith Offord , a self taught  ( with still a lot  to learn ) artist .  Looking back I consider myself a very lucky person . Firstly in having lived in two very different countries . I was born in Ipswich , England where I spent a happy childhood growing up in a loving family and with happy memories . I enjoyed above all playing outdoors , singing in the choir , poetry reading, acting ,reading, swimming and painting and holidays by the sea. I qualified as an Occupational Therapist and in my early twenties , met my Italian husband and moved to Italy. Here I  have lived a very fullfilling and busy life with a growing family, my son and  daughter and my work as a Fisiotherapist which I loved. Then in my fifty’s two important things came into my life : the first was when I began training as an Osteopath and whilst still working  I studied , trained and qualified , what a wonderful job ! Secondly,  by a chance encounter I discovered WATERCOLOUR , a whole new world opened up for me , a new expressive dimension  which has become an evergrowing passion,  The magic of the flowing pigment with water on paper enabled me to capture and interpret the power and  beauty , the poetry and emotion of nature in the surrounding landscapes which have always enthralled me. Since then I have persevered and experimented , been guided by great watercolour artists in workshops such as Ilya Ibryaev , Thomas Schaller , Fernand Thienpondt , inspired by others  such as Dario Percy Ccallo ,Muriel Buthier Chartrain, Anne Buckley ,and Mona Sloth  amongst others. Since 2009 I have held Personal Exhibitions , taken part in Collective exhibitions ,   Art Contests, Biennals and Festivals in Italy and all over the world. Above all  I have had the opportunity to meet wonderful people wherever my art has taken me and to connect in creativity and in friendship.  Looking forwards , into the future I need many years still to be able to continue  loving  my  grandchildren and  to continue my watercolour journey.


 Judy has held numerous solo exhibitions in the Marche; at Montecosaro, Amandola, Corridonia, Civitanova Marche, Mombaroccio, Marina di Altidona , Fermo and Porto San Giorgio: has partecipated in art contests and group exhibitions in the Marche, Abruzzo, Lazio e Puglia ; in the towns of Pesaro, Ancona, Fabriano, Ferrara, Genova , Amalfi,  Spoleto, Cagliari , Urbino and abroad in  Bratislava , Caudete , Alicante (Spagna), Tirana (Albania), Budapest (Ungheria), Karachi(Pakistan), Torres Vedras , Lisbona (Portogallo) , Delhi in India , Praga ( Republic Czech). Her watercolours can be found in private collections in London , in various parts of England, Bruxelles  and Rome.





2019 Solo Exhibition ‘ Water’ ,  Spazio M Arte, Marina Di Altidona

2019 Selected for V Internacional New Techniques, Concepts and Developements in Watercolor   Biennal 2019  Caudete ,Spagna

2019  Selected for ‘OlympiArt’- ‘ Geniuses of Watercolor’2019 Exhibition ,India

2019  Selected for Tirana International Watercolor Biennale 2019 ‘Albania Super’ IWS Albania

2019  Group Exhibition, ‘Disabil Art’ ,curatrice loredana Finichelli , Corridonia

2019  Group Exhibition‘Medioevo a Colori’, Corridonia 8Mc) a cura di Loredana Finichelli

2019  Selected for Italy  to UrbinoIn Acquerello Festival 2019

2019  Artist in the First international Watercolor Dairy 2019, organizzato da IWS Hungary

2019  Painting Demo for InArte fabriano with Raffaele Ciccaleni , Fermo


2018  Solo Exhibition , ‘Views’ curato da Daniele Taddei, Lucia Spagnuolo, Lorenzo Fattori –    Mombaroccio, Pu

2018   Solo Exhibition, “Al di là dei Sogni “curato da Loredana Finichelli, Officina , Corridonia

2018   Finalist in the International Watercolor Contest 2018, Esdé Galleria

2018    Selected for the 1st International Watercolour Festival IWS Czech Republic , Praga

2018    Selected for the International Watercolor Exhibition , Ukraine , Kharkiv .

2018  Selected for Image Age and Contemporary watercolor ,Western Watercolour Network Exhibition , online , China , as an artist from Italy


2017   Group exhibition ‘Urban Texture ‘ Spoleto , curata da Loredana Finichelli.

2017  Selected to take part in the 1V International New Techniques in Watercolour Biennial, Caudete ,Spagna.

2017   Selected from Italy to participate in the Biennale India IWSIB 2017

2017   2nd Prize at the  Concorso D’Arte Premio Sigismondo Martini , Corridonia

2017  Invited to take part in Escamotage 1.0,- Experimental Exhibition del piccolo formato by Loredana   Finichelli, Amalfi, sala Andrea Colavolpe

2017  Selected by IWS Portugal for the International Watercolour Festival , Torres Vedras , Lisbona.

2017   Selected to represent  Italy by InArte in ‘FabrianoinAcquerello’ 2017

2017   Selected for the 2° Tirana International Watercolor Biennale ,  Vizart ,Albania

2017   Invited by Satura Art Gallery with 3 paintings to ArtExpo Genova




2016 Selezionata da InArte Fabriano per la Mostra itinerante Italy Pakistan Portugal

2016 Finalista Concorso D’Acquerello, Galleria Edsè, Cagliari

2016 Selezionata per 1st. International Watercolor Festival , Hungary

2016.Primo premio sez, Acquerello, Biennale D’Arte Visiva e Contemporanea , Anagni- Frosinone

2016 Selezionata per ‘FabrianoinAcquarello’ esposizione internazionale, Fabriano

2016 ‘Profilo D’Artista International’ pubblicazione e esposizione,Genova

2016 Selezionata per ‘Genova ArtExpo’ esposizione international d’Arte Contemporanea


2015 Selezionata per International Watercolor Biennale, Tirana. Albania.

2015  Primo premio ,exequo ‘Omaggio al Paesaggio’, Roccafluvione

2015  Selezionata per 6° Biennale di Genova ,Sature Art

2015  Selezionata per L’International Watercolour Contest , Fabriano.


2014  Selezionata per la mostra ‘Shorts’, Sassoferrato

2014  Selezionata per la Bienal de Caudete  ‘Tecniche innovative d’acquerello’, Spagna

2014  Artista premiata – 19° Concorso Nazionale Arte Contemporanea, SatureArte, Genoa

2014  Premio Speciale della Giuria- Premio Città Montecosaro

2014  Premio per la pittura d’ Acquerello, Biennale Arte Visiva, Anagni/ Frosinone

2014  Mostra personale ‘Dono di Natura’ presso ‘La Gioconda’, Corridonia

2014  Mostra personale , Atelier Eleonora ,Porto San Giorgio


2013 Montecosaro – mostra personale nella sede storica

2013 Civitanova-  Galleria D’Angolo -Mostra personale


2012 Biennale D’Arte Alatri,Anagni,Frosinone – premio della critica.

2012 Premio Internazionale d’Arte S.Crispino ,Porto S. Elpidio  


2010 Mostra Personale ‘D’acqua, di Terra’, Caffè Letterario, Fermo.

2010  3° classificato Concorso Lorenzo Lotto. Monte San Giusto

2010  3° classificata Concorso ‘Premio Starart’, Sarnano


2009 Mostra Personale ‘English Impressions’- Atelier Eleonora, Porto S.Giorgio.

2009 Mostra personale ‘I Colori d’Autunno’- Montefalcone Appennini.

2009 Mostra Personale ‘Lo Spirito della Natura’ Sala Imperatori, Porto S Giorgio.

2009  2° classificato concorso ‘Un acquarello per la Marca’ Porto S.Giorgio.





International  Watercolor  Artists  Handbook  2 , edited by K.Coralee Burch

          Ponte VecchioPress, Dundee, NY.- 2015

Artists’s Profiles , curated by Mario Napoli , Satura Editore


Member of :-   IWS – International Watercolor  Society

                     –    InArte Fabriano