Miguel Ruiz, nació en Almoradí (Alicante) en 1963 y actualmente vive y trabaja en Murcia. Inicia estudios de Arte Dramático y es Graduado en Artes Aplicadas especialidad en Arquitectura Interior y Publicidad y realiza también un Master en Protocolo Ceremonial por la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.
En los años 80 participa en varias exposiciones colectivas en las que trabaja la técnica del óleo y el acrílico.
Dedica su vida profesional al Interiorismo desde su propio estudio, etapa en la que realiza obra pictórica que pasa a manos de colecciones privadas.
En diciembre de 2000 obtiene el Primer Premio Nacional “MILENIUM” de escaparatismo y durante esa época realiza varias publicaciones en prensa y en libros del más alto prestigio, especializados en Arquitectura Interior.
Da conferencias sobre interiorismo y es también director artístico para grandes empresas del sector, donde se hará cargo de sus imágenes corporativas, diseñando varias colecciones de mobiliario, colecciones textiles, revestimientos, etc. y siendo ganador de varios premios en Ferias, tanto nacionales como internacionales, por sus diseños de los Stands.
Ha trabajado como escenógrafo para varios montajes teatrales. Realiza también el diseño de vestuario. De estas colaboraciones ha obtenido numerosos premios en diferentes certámenes teatrales.
Es a partir de 2016 cuando Miguel decide dedicarse de pleno a la pintura, la cual constituye su gran pasión.
Miguel encuentra en la acuarela el lenguaje perfecto para establecer con el espectador una comunicación intensa y profunda que a nadie deja impasible. De esta manera la puntura de Miguel es una prolongación de él mismo; experimental, fuerte, equilibrada y que nos lleva de la mano a sus “universos paralelos”, dejándonos libertad total para interpretar ese mundo donde sólo la belleza nos sabe transportar.
Miguel Ruiz was born in Almoradí (Alicante) in 1963 and currently lives and works in Murcia. He began studying Dramatic Art and graduated in Applied Arts, specialising in Interior Architecture and Advertising, and also completed a Master’s degree in Ceremonial Protocol at the Miguel Hernández University in Elche.
In the 80’s he took part in several group exhibitions in which he worked with oil and acrylic techniques.
He dedicated his professional life to Interior Design from his own studio, a period in which he produced paintings that passed into the hands of private collections.
In December 2000 he was awarded the First National Prize «MILENIUM» for window dressing and during this period he published several works in the press and in books of the highest prestige, specialising in Interior Architecture.
He gives lectures on interior design and is also artistic director for large companies in the sector, where he is in charge of their corporate images, designing various collections of furniture, textile collections, coverings, etc. and winning several prizes at national and international trade fairs for his stand designs.
He has worked as a set designer for several theatrical productions. He also designs costumes. From these collaborations he has obtained numerous awards in different theatrical competitions.
It was in 2016 when Miguel decided to devote himself fully to painting, which is his great passion.
Miguel finds in watercolour the perfect language to establish with the spectator an intense and deep communication that leaves no one unmoved. In this way, Miguel’s painting is an extension of himself; experimental, strong, balanced and takes us by the hand to his «parallel universes», leaving us total freedom to interpret that world where only beauty can transport us.
– In 2016, he won the 2nd Watercolour Prize (International Section) in Chaouen, Morocco.
– In 2017, he participates together with the Association of Watercolourists of the Region of Murcia in the Exhibition «Cuaderno Ciudad de Murcia» held in the City Museum. Murcia.
– In 2018, he is selected in the Spanish group for the «Fabriano in Acquarello» competition. Fabriano, Italy.
– In 2019, he presents his first solo exhibition «PAISAJES DESHABITADOS» with the Watercolour Technique. Arquitectura de Barrio Gallery. Murcia.
– In 2020, Group Exhibition «Cuaderno Río Segura». City Museum. Murcia.
– In 2020, Group Exhibition: «With heart». La Asunción Cultural Centre. Albacete.
– In 2021, Group Exhibition: «Reconstruction». Art-Atelier Gallery. Albacete.
– In 2021, invited artist to the 12th International Meeting of Watercolours of Santa Cruz in Portugal.
– In 2022, Invited Artist as collaborator in the publication of the book SPAZIO VITALE. Edizione Guttemberg. Italy. «ARTE STUDIO GALLERY».
– In 2022, Collective Exhibition: «Arte no figurativo». University of Murcia (in process, September 20th).
– In 2022, Group Exhibition: «Naturaleza Muerta». (In process)