Catherine De Ryck es una artista belga nacida en 1981. Trabaja y vive en Bélgica. La artista participa en exposiciones personales y colectivas en su país y en el extranjero. Sus cuadros pueden verse en colecciones públicas y privadas de Bélgica, Francia, Grecia, Italia, Portugal, Suecia, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.
La exposición de sus obras le ha valido varios premios en Bélgica y en el extranjero. También es profesora de talleres, Presidenta de Eau en Couleurs – Asociación belga de acuarelistas y miembro de varias sociedades de acuarelistas. Participa regularmente como jurado en concursos de arte.
Su obra ha aparecido en varias revistas de arte, como Pratique des Arts (El arte de la acuarela), Art’Issime, Plaisirs de Peindre, Peindre & Dessiner… y en entrevistas televisivas.
«Mi arte se centra principalmente en las texturas: la rugosidad de las piedras, la transparencia del cristal y el agua, la variedad de tejidos, la hierba silvestre bajo el rocío de la mañana… Pinto todo lo que me llama la atención y pretendo utilizar técnicas originales e innovadoras para representar la atmósfera, la emoción y la textura.
Aunque utilizo diversos materiales y procesos, mi metodología es coherente. El primer paso de cada nuevo cuadro lo dedico a la observación y la comprensión de mi tema. Hago mucho trabajo de investigación y también guardo muchos cuadernos de dibujos precisos. A veces, los dibujos se quedan en el cuaderno y, otras veces, se convierten en ideas más profundas y obras más detalladas.
La textura es algo que aparece en un cuadro de forma accidental. Por eso suelo empezar mi trabajo en una hoja en blanco, sin ningún dibujo preliminar. Después, juego con las propiedades de los pigmentos y el papel para sugerir atmósfera, evanescencia o materialidad. Pueden ocurrir algunos accidentes felices que utilizo para realzar algunas zonas del cuadro.
Mi obra puede ser hiperrealista o semiabstracta».
Catherine De Ryck is a Belgian artist born in 1981. She works and lives in Belgium. The artist takes part in personal and group exhibitions in her own country and overseas. Her paintings can be seen in public and private collections in Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom and in the United States.
Exhibiting her works has won her several awards in Belgium and internationally. She is also a workshop instructor, the President of Eau en Couleurs – Belgian Watercolour Centre association, and a member of severalwatercolour societies. She regularly officiates as a judge for art competitions.
Her work has been featured in several art magazines, including Pratique des Arts (The Art of Watercolour), Art’Issime, Plaisirs de Peindre, Peindre&Dessiner … and during TV interviews.
«My art is primarily concerned with textures: roughness of stones, transparency of glass and water, variety of tissues, wild grass in the morning dew … I paint anything that catches my eye and I intend to use original and innovative techniques to depict atmosphere, emotion and texture.
While I use a variety of materials and processes, my methodology is consistent. The first step of each new painting is dedicated to the observation and the understanding of my subject. I do a lot of research work and I also keep many sketchbooks of accurate drawings. Sometimes, the drawings are left in the sketchbook and, other times, they develop into more in-depth ideas and detailed works.
Texture is something that finds its way into a painting in an accidental sort of way. This is why I often start my work on a blank sheet of paper, without any preliminary drawing. Then, I play with the properties of pigments and paper to suggest atmosphere, evanescence or materiality. Some happy accidents may happen and I use them to enhance some areas of the painting.
My work can be hyperrealistic or semi-abstract.”
Born on 5 December 1981, Catherine De Ryck began drawing and oil painting at a very early age. She took part in her first exhibition in 1994, at the age of 13.
Over time, her technique developed, her style asserted itself, and she discovered new mediums: soft pastel, acrylics and watercolour.
Alongside her artistic career, she studied Public Relations and Communications, graduating in 2003.
From 2008 onwards, the artist chose to deepen and develop her knowledge of watercolour, which is now the focus of most of her work. To this end, she has perfected her technique and discovered other approaches with renowned artists.
Catherine De Ryck takes part in various solo and group exhibitions in Europe, Asia and the United States. Her work has won various national and international awards.
She also acts as a judge at numerous artistic competitions.
Feeling, exchanging, sharing and passing on her passion have also led her to teach since 2019, in particular as a watercolour and acrylic teacher and facilitator of Travel Sketchbooks classes for various cultural actors in Brabant-Wallon and the Ecole d’Aquarelle Namuroise.
Teaching experience
Watercolour and drawing teacher at Ecole d’Aquarelle Namuroise, 2023 – …
Watercolour teacher at Coin des Arts, Braine-l’Alleud, 2019 – …
Acrylics teacher at Coin des Arts, Braine-l’Alleud, 2019
Watercolour teacher at Eau en Couleurs asbl, at Aquadémie, Genappe
Watercolour teacher at Fondation Folon, La Hulpe (2020-21)
Animatrice de divers cours et stages en Belgique comme à l’étranger lors d’événements ponctuels et d’expositions
Art animator for Creativa Art Fair, Brussels, in collaboration with Isaro Colours
Art associations
Eau en Couleurs – Belgian Watercolour Centre, Founder and President
United Artists from Brabant-Wallon
Art prizes – Watercolour :
INTERNATIONAL 2021 Malaysia International Art juried Competition, Figures & Faces – Top 80 Award.
International Watercolour Masters – Award Winners, Finalist. 2021.
20th world watercolour artist – Top 25 Watercolour Award 2017.
BELGIUM Honorable Mention, Exposition des aquarellistes Francophones de Belgique, 2022, Namur.
Premier Prix Géant des Beaux-Arts – Exposition multidisciplinaire Reg’Art Actuel 2019, Bruges.
Prix Schmincke « Jeune Talent Aquarelle » – 7è Festival International, 2010, CAMPO & CAMPO, Antwerp, Aquarel Instituut van België.
Highest Distinction, Médaille de Vermeil – 39è Salon de l’Académie Européenne des Arts, Aquarelle, 2009. Gembloux.
Great Prize R. DUEZ, Académie Européenne des Arts, décerné en hommage à la valeur artistique – 39è Salon de l’Académie Européenne des Arts, 2009, Gembloux.
Gold Medal – 38è Salon de l’Académie Européenne des Arts, 2008.
First Prize «Conceptions & Magie d’Eau Créatrice» de la Promenade Découverte des Arts Plastiques de Mons, 2007.
First Prize Elite Internationale, médaille de Vermeil du Grand Prix International d’Arts Plastiques de Wallonie, 2007.
Minister of Defense Prize, Coupe du Bourgmestre de la Ville de Charleroi – Grand Prix International d’Arts Plastiques de Wallonie, 2007.
Premier Prix du Public et Premier Prix du Pastel et de l’Aquarelle décerné par la Galerie Art Actuel, 2005.
FRANCE Prix de la Ville de Brie – 9è Rencontres Artistiques Internationales de Brie, Charente, 2012.
First Prize, 32è Salon International Artistique de Haute-Loire, 2011.
Prix du Département de la Charente-Maritime, 25è Salon des Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle, 2011.
First Prize – Magazine Plaisirs de Peindre n°34, 2009.
Second Prize – Magazine «Dessins & Peintures» n°36, 2008.
CANADA Athena Prize, Gala Academia XXI, Académie Internationale des Beaux-Arts du Québec, 2011.
People Choice’s Award, Académie Internationale des Beaux-Arts du Québec, 2010.
USA Women in Watercolor International Juried Competition, Finalist Award Animals and wildlife category, 2020.
American Art Awards, 2010 :
2nd place – Watercolour
5th place – Watercolour
Finalist – Landscape
UK Finalist Young Artist Award – Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, London, 2011.
Other :
Premier Prix du Dessin – Expo-Concours « Jeunes Talents », 2005
Premier Prix d’Honneur Elite Internationale, Médaille d’Or – Grand Prix International d’Arts Plastiques de Wallonie, techniques mixtes, 2005
Mention du Jury pour l’évolution artistique – Grand Prix International d’Arts Plastiques de Wallonie, 2005
Médaille d’Or – Grand Prix International d’Arts Plastiques de Wallonie, pastel, 2003
Médaille d’Or – Grand Prix International d’Arts Plastiques de Wallonie, huile, 2003
Médaille d’Argent – Grand Prix International d’Arts Plastiques de Wallonie, huile, 2001
Selected Artist :
BELGIUM Festival Aquareliège, 2023, 2021, Liège.
Exposition des Aquarellistes Francophones de Belgique, 2020, 2022, Namur.
Biennale «Salon de l’Aquarelle de Belgique», 2011 – 2013. Namur.
Salon d’ensemble «Les Printemps de l’Aquarelle», 2009 – 2010 – 2011, Libramont ;
7è Festival International d’Aquarelle, 2010, CAMPO & CAMPO, Anvers, organisé par l’Aquarel Instituut van België.
CHINA 1ère Biennale d’Aquarelle de Shenzhen, Shenzhen Art Museum, 2013-2014 + sélection pour l’Exposition Itinérante qui a voyagé dans six des plus grandes villes chinoises durant toute l’année 2014.
1ère Biennale Internationale d’Aquarelle de Shanghai Zhujiajiao, Exposition Universelle, Quanhua Watercolour Art Gallery, Shanghai, 2010.
SPAIN Exposición Internacional de Acuarela, Roquetas de Mar, Almería, 2013-2014.
Bienal Internacional de Nuevas Técnicas en Acuarela, Caudete, 2012.
Muestra Internacional de la Acuarela, Séville (Dors Hermanas), 2012.
USA Texas In Acquarello, Fort Worth, 2024.
Women in Watercolor International Juried Competition, exposition en ligne, 2020.
National Watercolour Society, 95th Annual International Exhibition, San Diego, 2015.
31è Exposition Annuelle Internationale de la Société d’Aquarelle de Pennsylvanie, Crary Art Gallery, Warren, Pennsylvanie, 2010.
FRANCE Salon de l’Aquarelle d’Uckange, 2015, 2023, 2024.
Biennale de l’Aquarelle de Narbonne, 2012.
Biennale de l’Aquarelle de Toulouse, 2012, 2014.
Aquarell’Eure, Gaillon, 2011, 2012.
4è Salon International de l’Aquarelle Confluences, Aiguillon, 2011.
UK Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, 2011 – 2013, Mall Galleries.
ITALY Fabriano In Acquarello, Fabriano, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2024.
Urbino In Acquarello, 2021
JAPAN Japan International Watercolour Institute, Niigata, 2020.
MALAYSIA Malaysia Art Juried Competition, Kuala Lumpur, 2019 – 2020 – 2021.
POLAND – UKRAINE Our Wonderful World, Watercolour Tour 2020
RUSSIA Art Bridge, Saint-Petersburg, 2019.