César Goldsmith, Arquitecto y Acuarelista, nace en Santiago de Chile, donde desarrolla su formación profesional y artística. Sus estudios de Arquitectura en la universidad de Chile siempre lo acercan de una u otra forma al arte, con profesores como Edwin Haramoto, Jorge Patiño y Jaime Bendersky que marcaron su forma de ver cada obra desde diferentes orbitas del diseño, particularmente metodología, composición y manejo conceptual y práctico, desde niño mostro una clara vocación por las expresiones artísticas particularmente las gráficas. La elaboración de innumerables croquis y escenas urbanas, derivan en el redescubriendo del dibujo a mano alzada y la pintura. Por años recorre el camino de la pintura en acrílico y finalmente descubre la pasión mayor, pintar en la técnica más difícil según sus propias palabras, acuarela. Desde siempre se inclinó por las formas, la luz, la sombra, la atmosfera, la profundidad, descubriendo e investigando paralelamente en forma autodidacta y experimental. Comparte su tiempo entre la Arquitectura y la Acuarela, sumando varios cursos tanto en la Universidad de Chile como en la Universidad Católica de Chile, así además junto a grandes artistas y acuarelistas destacados a nivel nacional e internacional.
Actualmente forma parte de un grupo de acuarelistas de IWS Chile y de UrbanSketcher Santiago, donde desarrolla su arte en varias publicaciones en proceso.
“¡El arte de la acuarela es un camino de infinito descubrimiento de los procesos del agua, para lograr lo que está más allá de la realidad y explotarlo al máximo!”
César Goldsmith, Architect and Watercolourist, was born in Santiago de Chile, where he developed his professional and artistic training. His studies of Architecture at the University of Chile always bring him closer in one way or another to art, with professors such as Edwin Haramoto, Jorge Patiño and Jaime Bendersky who marked his way of seeing each work from different orbits of design, particularly methodology, composition and conceptual and practical management, since childhood he showed a clear vocation for artistic expressions, particularly graphics. The elaboration of countless sketches and urban scenes, derived in the rediscovery of freehand drawing and painting. For years he followed the path of acrylic painting and finally discovered his greatest passion, painting in the most difficult technique in his own words, watercolour. He has always been inclined towards shapes, light, shadow, atmosphere, depth, discovering and investigating in parallel in a self-taught and experimental way. He shares his time between architecture and watercolour, taking several courses both at the University of Chile and the Catholic University of Chile, as well as with great artists and watercolourists of national and international renown.
– First prize in the «AniversARTE» contest in Argentina with the watercolour «Pasaje de Luz».
– Second place in the national watercolour competition «Viña del Mar» colour and light, year 2020, Chile.
– Second place in the international competition «Mayo 21» of the Republic of Argentina.
– Selected for the lll International Watercolor & Spirit Triennial -Varna 2022, Bulgaria.
– Selected for the lll International Biennial Kipus 2022, Bolivia, celebrating life.
– Selected for the Vl International Biennial Caudete 2022, Spain.
– Selected and Honourable Mention winner at IWS Pennsylvania 2021.
– Selected and honorable mention winner in IWS Titicaca Puno Peru, international competition Nocturno, Noche de Luz, 2022.
– Selected in the «Through the water» competition at IWS Argentina.
– Selected in the international watercolour festival CASTRA 21 Slovenia.
– Selected in the competition miniwatercolor 2021 Kyiv.
– Selected in the international festival of visual arts; Monte Plata, Dominican Republic 2021.
– Selected in the second small format competition «Carlos Nicolas 2021» APECH, watercolour category.
– Selected in Truly Watercolor ArtsMate International in association with NB Gurung Art Studio. 2021.
– Selected in Hardy Wistuba 2021, Chile.
– Selected in Watercolor Festival and Golden Brush online contest – Izmir Iws Turkey 2022.
– Selected for the festival Italia Fabriano Acquarello 2022, representing Chile with other masters, with the work Sagrada Familia.
– Selected in International Watercolor society Chile fast watercolor contest, 2022.
– Selected among the top 20, international coffee painting competition, IWS Titicaca Puno Peru 2022.
– Selected in Watercolor without borders IRAN.
Currently part of a group of watercolourists of IWS Chile and UrbanSketcher Santiago, where he develops his art in several publications in process.
«The art of watercolour is a path of infinite discovery of the processes of water, to achieve what is beyond reality and exploit it to the fullest!»