Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Nicholas Simmons was born in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, and began painting in
Sarasota, Florida. He studied under
many well-known watercolorists, most
notably Valfred Thëlin and Barbara
Nechis. Mr. Simmons enjoyed immedia-
te success as a watercolor artist soon
after taking it up, but opted to pursue
a music career as a professional gui-
tarist. For many years he only painted
occasional commissions, and did not
return to visual art until 2004, when he
began painting watercolor again and
launched his website.
Mr. Simmons’ paintings have been
featured in a variety of publications
such as L’ Art de l’ Aquarelle, Waterco-
lor Artist, Watercolor, and numerous bo-
oks. He has been featured on Maryland
Public Television, and in 2008 his
acclaimed DVD Innovative Waterme-
dia was released by Creative Catalyst
Productions. His work has graced the
covers of classical music recordings,
including those of world renowned
guitar virtuoso, Manuel Barrueco. He
is sponsored by Da Vinci Paint, and
Escoda Artist Brushes. His Signature
Series of Escoda brushes were intro-
duced in 2012. Mr. Simmons is listed in
Who’s Who in the World.
Awards include top prize at the 2007
National Watercolor Society for his
painting Fresh Sushi, consecutive gold
medals at the Pennsylvania Watercolor
Society, 2008-2009, and the gold me-
dal at the Texas Watercolor Society in
2010. In 2012 he was the first recipient
of the National Watercolor Society’s
special Masters Award.
A 14-page feature in the Winter 2009
issue of Watercolor magazine inclu-
ded this summary of the artist’s work,
written by John Parks:
Nicholas Simmons paints in waterme-
dia on a scale that rivals oil painting.
The subject matter is a dazzling mix
of figures juxtaposed with printed
lettering, graffiti, Japanese block prints,
neon lights, reflections, and lavish
corners of nature. The effect can be
disorienting, as though a camera has
taken a picture by accident, revealing
an image that is both exciting and mys-
terious. The paint itself swirls, floods,
drips, and spatters, driven on by the
general excitement of the imagery and
giving the work a sense that it was
done in a rush in a matter of minutes.
Mr. Simmons exhibits internationally as
a solo artist and with major watermedia
stars in group and invitational exhibi-
tions, as well as one of six members
of North American Watercolor Artists
(NAWA), representing the United
States. He is a charter member of an
exclusive international group forming
in late 2013 whose mission is to set a
new standard in watercolor exhibitions.
He has judged numerous exhibtions,
and 2010 and 2012 was the sole
judge representing the United States
at the Shanghai Zhujiajiao Internatio-
nal Watercolour Biennial, the world’s
largest watercolor exhibition. Mr. Sim-
mons is representing the United States
as one of five judges for the inaugural
World Watercolour Competition, an
unprecedented event taking place in
France, October 2014, and the judge
representing the United States in
Russia’s first biennial, 2013.
His work is held in public and private
collection in the United States, Europe,
and China.